CCanRefreshServer | |
CChatLogArchive | |
CChatLogRotate | |
CChatLogsCfg | |
CChatNetworkNamer | |
CChatNetworksCfg | |
CCheckResult | Contains the results of CheckWadsDlg::CheckWads(), categorized in "incomplete", "missing" and "found" wads |
CClipboard | Wrapper on QApplication::clipboard() with convenience appliances |
CColumnSort | |
CComboBoxEx | Convenience methods for combo box |
CCommandLine | Class used for manipulating command line as it should appear in shell or cmd prompt |
CCommandLineInfo | Structure holding parameters for application launch |
CCommandLineTokenizer | Splits command line into separate arguments in a manner appropriate for current OS |
CCommonGUI | |
CCreateServerDialogApi | Plugin proxy for CreateServerDialog |
CCustomServerInfo | |
CDataPaths | Represents directories used by Doomseeker to store data |
CDataPaths::DirErrno | Struct which contains the relevant QDir, the errno reported, and the QString generated by the errno |
CDataStreamOperatorWrapper | Wraps around QDataStream stream operators to provide cleaner reading interface |
CDirectoryEntry | Contains an entry of a WAD directory |
CDMFlag | A game setting that is a part of a group of settings that can be OR'ed logically as a single integer |
CDMFlagsSection | A group of DMFlag objects that can be safely OR'ed together to form a meaningful value |
CDoomseekerConfig | This Singleton holds entire Doomseeker configuration in memory |
CDoomseekerConfig::AutoUpdates | |
CDoomseekerConfig::DoomseekerCfg | |
CDoomseekerConfig::ServerFilter | |
CDoomseekerConfig::WadseekerCfg | |
CDoomseekerFilePaths | Static class responsible for retrieving paths to data files used by Doomseeker |
CEnginePlugin | |
CEnginePlugin::Data | |
CExeFilePath | A simple executable path & working dir structure |
CFileAlias | |
CFileAliasList | |
CFilePickWidget::NeighbourStrategy | |
CFileSearchPath | |
►CFileSeeker | |
CCaseInsensitiveFSFileSeeker | For case-insensitive file systems (like NTFS) |
CCaseSensitiveFSFileSeeker | For case-sensitive file systems (like ext) |
CFileUtils | |
CGameCreateParams | Game parametrization data used when creating new games |
CGameCVar | A general game setting or variable (like fraglimit) |
CGameDemo | |
CGameFile | Game file definition allows to browse this file in configuration box |
CGameFileList | GameFile collection |
CGameMode | Game mode representation |
CHostPort | |
CIniSection | INI section representation |
CIniVariable | INI variable representation |
CIP2C::IP2CData | |
CIP2CCountryInfo | Flag and name of the country |
CIP2CParser::ConstructorDestructorParserStateSetter | Sets states for IP2C when being constructed and destructed |
CIRCCompletionResult | |
CIRCConfig | This Singleton holds most of Doomseeker IRC configuration in memory |
CIRCConfig::AppearanceCfg | |
CIRCConfig::GeneralCfg | |
CIRCConfig::PersonalCfg | |
CIRCConfig::SoundsCfg | |
CIRCGlobal | |
CIRCISupportParser | |
CIRCMessageClass | |
CIRCNetworkConnectionInfo | Struct containing information about client's connection to the IRC server |
CIRCNetworkEntity | Data structure that describes and defines a connection to an IRC network or server |
CIRCNicknameCompleter | |
CIRCResponseParseResult | Result info generated by the IRCResponseParser |
CIRCResponseType | Defines types of IRC network response message |
CIRCSounds | Part of IRC UI package. Plays IRC related sounds |
CIRCUserInfo | Holds information flags about given nickname |
CIRCUserList | Allows to perform operation on a list of users |
CIRCUserListModel | |
CIRCUserPrefix | One-to-one association of visible prefixes to user mode |
CJoinError | Indicator of error for the server join process |
CLocalization | |
CLocalizationInfo | |
CMapEntry | Stores the name of the map and the mod where it came from |
CMessage | Message object used to pass messages throughout the Doomseeker's system |
CMessage::Type | One of possible, Doomseeker recognizable error types |
►CModReader | |
►CCompressedReader | File reader for generic compression file formats. Current formats: ZIP, 7Z |
CPkReader | File reader for PK3/7 format |
CWadReader | File reader for the WAD format |
CPasswordsCfg | |
CPathFinder | Performs a case-insensitive (OS independent) file searches |
CPathFinderResult | Result of multiple file search operation done by PathFinder |
CPlayer | Data structure that holds information about players in a server |
CPlayersDiagramStyle | |
CPlayersList | |
CPluginLoader | |
CPluginLoader::Plugin | |
CPrivData< T > | |
CPWad | PWAD hosted on a server |
►CQApplication | |
CApplication | Program central hub of information |
►CQCheckBox | |
CInterpolateCheckBox | Tristate checkbox that when clicked it'll never be partially checked |
►CQComboBox | |
CEnginePluginComboBox | |
CMultiComboBox | |
►CQDialog | |
CAboutDialog | |
CAddBuddyDlg | |
CCFGIRCDefineNetworkDialog | |
CCheckWadsDlg | Manages the checking process of wads when trying to enter a server or when executing the "Find missing WADs" operation. It will prompt a loading bar dialog after 500 milliseconds of processing, that will also allow the user to cancel the integrity check with a "cancel" button |
►CConfigurationDialog | |
CDoomseekerConfigurationDialog | |
CIRCConfigurationDialog | |
CCopyTextDlg | |
CCreateServerDialog | Dialog window allowing user to create a game |
CDemoManagerDlg | Dialog for managing demos recorded through Doomseeker |
CFreedoomDialog | |
CIP2CUpdateBox | |
CIRCIgnoresManager | |
CIRCNetworkSelectionBox | |
CIwadAndWadsPickerDialog | Simple dialog box where user can pick path to IWAD and additional game files |
CMapListSelector | Prompts the user to select a list of maps to insert |
CMissingWadsDialog | |
CPasswordDlg | |
CProgramArgsHelpDialog | |
CRconPasswordDialog | |
CWadseekerInterface | Wadseeker dialog box, only one instance is allowed |
►CQDockWidget | |
CDockBuddiesList | |
CIRCDock | Dockable widget designed for IRC communication |
CLogDock | Dockable widget designed for application's log presentation |
CServerDetailsDock | |
CServerFilterDock | |
►CQLabel | |
CServersStatusWidget | |
►CQLineEdit | |
CMemoryLineEdit | Stores the input into a history that can be accessed by pressing up and down |
►CQList | |
CPatternList | |
►CQListView | |
CDndFileSystemListView | This widget is aware of files and directories drag'n'drop from external programs |
►CQMainWindow | |
CMainWindow | |
CRemoteConsole | |
CStandardServerConsole | |
►CQMenu | |
CServerFilterBuilderMenu | |
CWadseekerWadsTable::ContextMenu | |
►CQObject | |
CAppRunner | |
CAutoUpdater | Deals with program updates/upgrades |
CBroadcast | |
CBroadcastManager | |
CChatLogs | |
CCmdArgsHelp | |
CConnectionHandler | |
CDmflagsHtmlGenerator | |
CExeFile | Access to external program executables (game clients, servers, and so on) |
CFileFilter | |
CGameClientRunner | Creates command line that launches the client executable of the game and connects it to a server |
►CGameCVarProvider | Creates GameCVar set |
CDefaultDifficultyProvider | |
CGameExeFactory | Returns executable file retrievers from plugins to Doomseeker |
CGameExeRetriever | A convenience wrapper class for GameExeFactory |
CGameHost | Creates game servers, offline games or demo playbacks |
CGameInfoTip | |
CGeneralInfoTip | |
CIni | Configuration handler |
CIP2C | IP to Country database handler |
CIP2CLoader | |
CIP2CParser | |
CIP2CUpdater | IP2CUpdater is responsible for downloading a new version of database from the site |
►CIRCAdapterBase | Provides an unified communication interface between a client and IRC network entities |
►CIRCChatAdapter | Handles chatting through IRC |
CIRCChannelAdapter | Class type that is used for conversations within a channel |
CIRCPrivAdapter | Class type that is used for private conversations with other users directly |
CIRCNetworkAdapter | Interprets communication between the client and the IRC server |
CIRCClient | |
CIRCCtcpParser | |
►CIRCDelayedOperation | |
CIRCDelayedOperationBan | |
CIRCDelayedOperationIgnore | |
CIRCRequestParser | Parses request and interprets them in a way that emulates mIRC (or any even slightly sane IRC client for that matter) |
CIRCResponseParser | |
CJoinCommandLineBuilder | Generates command line for joining specified server |
CLog | Log manager |
CMain | |
►CMasterClient | Abstract base for all MasterClients |
CCustomServers | |
CMasterManager | Manager class for a number of MasterClient instances |
CPlayersDiagram | |
CPlayerTable | |
CPluginUrlHandler | |
CRConProtocol | Remote console protocol interface |
CRefresher | |
CServer | A representation of a server for a given game |
CServerList | |
CServerListColumns | |
CServerListContextMenu | |
CServerListCountTracker | |
CServerListRowHandler | |
CServerTooltip::L10n | |
►CSocketSignalsAdapter | |
CIRCSocketSignalsAdapter | |
CStaticMessages | |
CTaskbarButton | Platform-agnostic wrapper for QWinTaskbarButton |
CTaskbarProgress | Platform-agnostic wrapper for QWinTaskbarProgress |
CTextProvider | |
CTooltipGenerator | |
CUdpSocketPool | |
CUpdateChannelTr | |
CUpdateInstaller | |
CUpdatePackageFilter | Filters UpdatePackage information basing on what is requested by the program |
CUpdaterInfoParser | |
CUrlOpener | |
CWadseekerShow | |
►CQPushButton | |
CColorButton | A button widget designed to select a color |
CFontButton | A button widget designed to select a font |
►CQScopedPointer | |
CDPtr< T > | |
CDPtr< AboutDialog > | |
CDPtr< AddBuddyDlg > | |
CDPtr< Application > | |
CDPtr< AutoUpdater > | |
CDPtr< Broadcast > | |
CDPtr< BroadcastManager > | |
CDPtr< BuddyLocationInfo > | |
CDPtr< CanRefreshServer > | |
CDPtr< CFGAppearance > | |
CDPtr< CFGAutoUpdates > | |
CDPtr< CfgChatLogsPage > | |
CDPtr< CFGCustomServers > | |
CDPtr< CFGFilePaths > | |
CDPtr< CFGIRCAppearance > | |
CDPtr< CFGIRCDefineNetworkDialog > | |
CDPtr< CFGIRCNetworks > | |
CDPtr< CFGIRCSounds > | |
CDPtr< CFGQuery > | |
CDPtr< CFGServerPasswords > | |
CDPtr< CFGWadAlias > | |
CDPtr< CFGWadseekerAppearance > | |
CDPtr< CFGWadseekerGeneral > | |
CDPtr< CFGWadseekerIdgames > | |
CDPtr< CFGWadseekerSites > | |
CDPtr< ChatLogArchive > | |
CDPtr< ChatLogRotate > | |
CDPtr< ChatLogs > | |
CDPtr< ChatLogsCfg > | |
CDPtr< CheckWadsDlg > | |
CDPtr< CompressedReader > | |
CDPtr< ConfigPage > | |
CDPtr< ConfigurationDialog > | |
CDPtr< ConnectionHandler > | |
CDPtr< CopyTextDlg > | |
CDPtr< CreateServerDialog > | |
CDPtr< CreateServerDialogApi > | |
CDPtr< CreateServerDialogPage > | |
CDPtr< CustomParamsPanel > | |
CDPtr< DataPaths > | |
CDPtr< DataStreamOperatorWrapper > | |
CDPtr< DemoManagerDlg > | |
CDPtr< DMFlag > | |
CDPtr< DmflagsHtmlGenerator > | |
CDPtr< DMFlagsPanel > | |
CDPtr< DMFlagsSection > | |
CDPtr< DockBuddiesList > | |
CDPtr< DoomseekerConfig::DoomseekerCfg > | |
CDPtr< EngineConfigPage > | |
CDPtr< ExeFile > | |
CDPtr< ExeFilePath > | |
CDPtr< FilePickWidget > | |
CDPtr< FreedoomDialog > | |
CDPtr< GameClientRunner > | |
CDPtr< GameCreateParams > | |
CDPtr< GameCVar > | |
CDPtr< GameCVarProvider > | |
CDPtr< GameExecutablePicker > | |
CDPtr< GameExeFactory > | |
CDPtr< GameFile > | |
CDPtr< GameFileList > | |
CDPtr< GameHost > | |
CDPtr< GameInfoTip > | |
CDPtr< GameMode > | |
CDPtr< GameRulesPanel > | |
CDPtr< GeneralGameSetupPanel > | |
CDPtr< GeneralInfoTip > | |
CDPtr< ImportantMessagesWidget > | |
CDPtr< Ini > | |
CDPtr< IniSection > | |
CDPtr< IniVariable > | |
CDPtr< IP2CLoader > | |
CDPtr< IP2CUpdateBox > | |
CDPtr< IRCCtcpParser > | |
CDPtr< IRCDelayedOperationBan > | |
CDPtr< IRCDelayedOperationIgnore > | |
CDPtr< IRCDock > | |
CDPtr< IRCDockTabContents > | |
CDPtr< IRCIgnoresManager > | |
CDPtr< IRCISupportParser > | |
CDPtr< IRCNetworkEntity > | |
CDPtr< IRCNetworkSelectionBox > | |
CDPtr< IRCNicknameCompleter > | |
CDPtr< IRCRequestParser > | |
CDPtr< IRCResponseParser > | |
CDPtr< IRCUserPrefix > | |
CDPtr< IwadAndWadsPickerDialog > | |
CDPtr< IwadPicker > | |
CDPtr< JoinCommandLineBuilder > | |
CDPtr< JoinError > | |
CDPtr< Log > | |
CDPtr< LogDirectoryPicker > | |
CDPtr< LogDock > | |
CDPtr< MainWindow > | |
CDPtr< MapListPanel > | |
CDPtr< MapListSelector > | |
CDPtr< MasterClient > | |
CDPtr< Message > | |
CDPtr< MiscServerSetupPanel > | |
CDPtr< MissingWadsDialog > | |
CDPtr< PasswordDlg > | |
CDPtr< PasswordsCfg > | |
CDPtr< PathFinder > | |
CDPtr< PathFinderResult > | |
CDPtr< Player > | |
CDPtr< PlayersList > | |
CDPtr< PlayerTable > | |
CDPtr< PluginLoader > | |
CDPtr< PluginLoader::Plugin > | |
CDPtr< ProgramArgsHelpDialog > | |
CDPtr< PWad > | |
CDPtr< RconPasswordDialog > | |
CDPtr< RConProtocol > | |
CDPtr< RemoteConsole > | |
CDPtr< Scanner > | |
CDPtr< Scanner::ParserState > | |
CDPtr< Server > | |
CDPtr< ServerConnectParams > | |
CDPtr< ServerConsole > | |
CDPtr< ServerDetailsDock > | |
CDPtr< ServerFilterBuilderMenu > | |
CDPtr< ServerFilterDock > | |
CDPtr< ServerListContextMenu > | |
CDPtr< ServerListCountTracker > | |
CDPtr< ServerListProxyModel > | |
CDPtr< ServerListRowHandler > | |
CDPtr< ServerPasswordSummary > | |
CDPtr< SettingsProvider > | |
CDPtr< SettingsProviderQt > | |
CDPtr< TaskbarButton > | |
CDPtr< TaskbarProgress > | |
CDPtr< TooltipGenerator > | |
CDPtr< UdpSocketPool > | |
CDPtr< UpdatePackageFilter > | |
CDPtr< UpdaterInfoParser > | |
CDPtr< UpdaterScriptParser > | |
CDPtr< UrlOpener > | |
CDPtr< WadFindResult > | |
CDPtr< WadPathFinder > | |
CDPtr< WadReader > | |
CDPtr< WadseekerInterface > | |
CDPtr< WadseekerShow > | |
CDPtr< WadsPicker > | |
►CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
CServerListProxyModel | |
►CQStandardItemModel | |
CServerListModel | |
►CQTableView | |
CServerListView | |
►CQTableWidget | |
►CTableWidgetMouseAware | |
CWadseekerSitesTable | |
CWadseekerWadsTable | |
CTableWidgetReorderable | |
►CQTableWidgetItem | |
CDateTableWidgetItem | |
►CQTabWidget | |
CQTabWidgetExt | |
►CQThread | |
CIP2CParser::ParsingThread | |
CSleep | |
CQtJson::Json | A JSON data parser |
CQtMetaPointer | |
CQuerySpeed | |
►CQWidget | |
►CConfigPage | Base class for configuration pages |
CCFGAppearance | |
CCFGAutoUpdates | |
CCfgChatLogsPage | |
CCFGCustomServers | |
CCFGFilePaths | |
CCFGIRCAppearance | |
CCFGIRCNetworks | |
CCFGIRCSounds | |
CCFGQuery | |
CCFGServerPasswords | |
CCFGWadAlias | |
CCFGWadseekerAppearance | |
CCFGWadseekerGeneral | |
CCFGWadseekerIdgames | |
CCFGWadseekerSites | |
CEngineConfigPage | Base for configuration pages for plugins; provides some default behavior |
CCreateServerDialogPage | Base class to be used by plugins to define custom pages in Create Game dialog |
CCustomParamsPanel | |
CDMFlagsPanel | |
CFilePickWidget | |
CGameExecutablePicker | |
CGameRulesPanel | |
CGeneralGameSetupPanel | |
CIconLabel | |
CImportantMessagesWidget | A self-scaling widget that displays messages as separate instances of QLabel |
CIRCDockTabContents | Dockable widget designed for IRC communication |
CIwadPicker | |
CLogDirectoryPicker | |
CMapListPanel | |
CMiscServerSetupPanel | |
CServerConsole | |
CWadsPicker | |
CRandom | Random values generator |
CScanner | Scanner reads scripts by checking individual tokens |
CScanner::ParserState | |
CServerConnectParams | A DTO for GameClientRunner; exchanges information between main program and plugins, and allows future extensions |
CServerListColumn | |
CServerListCount | |
CServerListFilterInfo | Structure describing server filter |
CServerPassword | |
CServerPasswordSummary | |
CServerPasswordType | |
CServerSummary | |
►CSettingsProvider | |
CSettingsProviderQt | |
CSkill | Game difficulty setting |
CSpeedCalculator | |
CStrings | |
►CTestBase | Base class for all Test classes |
CTestCore | Core for developer tests |
►CTestUnitBase | Base class for Test Units |
CTestDataPathsAppDataDirectoryAccess | |
CTestDataPathsAppDataDirectoryWrite | |
CTestDeleteINISection | |
CTestDeleteINIVariable | |
CTestIRCISupportNoPrefix | |
CTestIRCISupportPrefix | |
CTestModReader | |
CTestPlayerNameColorStrip | |
CTestReadINI | |
CTestReadINIVariable | |
CTestStringsWrapUrls | |
CTestUtf8Splitter | |
CTestIniFixture | |
CTestRuns | Use this class to execute test runs |
CUpdateChannel | |
CUpdatePackage | |
CUpdaterScriptParser | Interface to Mendeley updater .xml script files |
CUtf8Splitter | Splits valid arrays of UTF-8 characters into smaller arrays without splitting in-between chars |
CVersion | Provides interface for plugins and for Doomseeker itself to obtain version information on the program |
CVersionDump | |
CWadFindResult | |
CWadPathFinder | Wrapper for PathFinder that specializes in findings WADs |