EnginePlugin::Data Class Reference

#include <engineplugin.h>

Public Member Functions

bool hasBroadcast () const
bool hasMasterClient () const

Public Attributes

unsigned int abiVersion
QScopedPointer< TextProvideraboutProvider
 Description of the plugin, intended to be displayed in the "About" dialog. More...
bool allowsClientSlots
bool allowsConnectPassword
bool allowsEmail
bool allowsJoinPassword
bool allowsLogging
bool allowsMOTD
bool allowsPlayerSlots
bool allowsRConPassword
bool allowsUpnp
bool allowsUpnpPort
bool allowsURL
QString author
QString canonicalName
QString clientExeName
bool clientOnly
bool createDMFlagsPagesAutomatic
 Controls behavior of "Create Game" dialog. More...
QString defaultMaster
 Default port on which servers for given engine are hosted. More...
quint16 defaultServerPort
QString demoExtension
bool demoExtensionAutomatic
QSharedPointer< GameCVarProviderdifficulty
 Difficulty levels provider for this game. More...
QSharedPointer< GameExeFactorygameExeFactory
 Factory of executable retrievers ExeFile objects. More...
QStringList gameFileSearchSuffixes
bool hasIwad
bool hasMapList
QPixmap * icon
 icon of the engine More...
bool inGameFileDownloads
QVector< IRCNetworkEntityircChannels
QString name
quint8 refreshThreshold
QString scheme
QString serverExeName
bool supportsRandomMapRotation
bool valid
unsigned int version

Detailed Description

Store the information about the plugin in a structure so that we can freely add features without invalidating existing plugins.

Definition at line 266 of file engineplugin.h.

Member Data Documentation

QScopedPointer<TextProvider> EnginePlugin::Data::aboutProvider

Description of the plugin, intended to be displayed in the "About" dialog.

Definition at line 298 of file engineplugin.h.

bool EnginePlugin::Data::createDMFlagsPagesAutomatic

Controls behavior of "Create Game" dialog.

If true then "Create Game" dialog will build flags pages out of the dmFlags list. If false then plugin either doesn't want to have the flags pages created or will provide the pages on its own.

Default: true.

Definition at line 309 of file engineplugin.h.

QString EnginePlugin::Data::defaultMaster

Default port on which servers for given engine are hosted.

Definition at line 278 of file engineplugin.h.

QSharedPointer<GameCVarProvider> EnginePlugin::Data::difficulty

Difficulty levels provider for this game.

Defaults to returning Doom difficulty levels.

Definition at line 333 of file engineplugin.h.

QSharedPointer<GameExeFactory> EnginePlugin::Data::gameExeFactory

Factory of executable retrievers ExeFile objects.

By default this is a simple instance of GameExeFactory. If custom behavior is needed, plugins should overwrite this instance with own pointer.

This factory should be set only once during plugin initialization and then left untouched.

Definition at line 321 of file engineplugin.h.

QPixmap* EnginePlugin::Data::icon

icon of the engine

Definition at line 281 of file engineplugin.h.

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