23 #ifndef __DOOMSEEKERCONFIG_H__ 24 #define __DOOMSEEKERCONFIG_H__ 26 #include "customservers.h" 28 #include "gui/entity/serverlistfilterinfo.h" 29 #include "patternlist.h" 30 #include <QScopedPointer> 33 #include <QStringList> 35 #define gConfig DoomseekerConfig::config() 59 static const QString SECTION_NAME;
62 bool bBotsAreNotPlayers;
63 bool bCloseToTrayIcon;
64 bool bColorizeServerConsole;
65 bool bDrawGridInServerTable;
67 bool bGroupServersWithPlayersAtTheTopOfTheList;
68 bool bIP2CountryAutoUpdate;
69 bool bLogCreatedServer;
71 bool bMarkServersWithBuddies;
72 bool bQueryAutoRefreshDontIfActive;
73 bool bQueryAutoRefreshEnabled;
74 bool bQueryBeforeLaunch;
77 bool bTellMeWhereAreTheWADsWhenIHoverCursorOverWADSColumn;
78 bool bCheckTheIntegrityOfWads;
81 QString buddyServersColor;
82 QVector<CustomServerInfo> customServers;
83 QString customServersColor;
84 QString lanServersColor;
86 QString mainWindowState;
87 QByteArray mainWindowGeometry;
88 unsigned queryAutoRefreshEverySeconds;
89 QString previousCreateServerConfigDir;
90 QString previousCreateServerExecDir;
91 QString previousCreateServerLogDir;
92 QString previousCreateServerWadDir;
93 QString serverListColumnState;
94 int serverListSortIndex;
95 int serverListSortDirection;
97 QList<FileSearchPath> wadPaths;
102 QList<ColumnSort> additionalSortColumns()
103 void setAdditionalSortColumns(
const QList<ColumnSort> &val);
105 void enableFreedoomInstallation(
const QString &dir);
110 QList<FileAlias> wadAliases()
111 void setWadAliases(
const QList<FileAlias> &val);
113 QStringList wadPathsOnly()
150 static const QString SECTION_NAME;
165 bool bPerformUpdateOnNextRun;
175 static const QString SECTION_NAME;
187 static const QString SECTION_NAME;
189 bool bAlwaysUseDefaultSites;
190 bool bSearchInIdgames;
191 bool bSearchInWadArchive;
192 QString colorMessageCriticalError;
193 QString colorMessageError;
194 QString colorMessageNotice;
195 int connectTimeoutSeconds;
196 int downloadTimeoutSeconds;
197 int maxConcurrentSiteDownloads;
198 int maxConcurrentWadDownloads;
200 QStringList searchURLs;
201 QString targetDirectory;
237 return this->pIni.data();
280 QList<FileSearchPath> combinedWadseekPaths()
286 bool isValidPluginName(
const QString &pluginName)
294 QScopedPointer<QSettings> settings;
295 QScopedPointer<SettingsProviderQt> settingsProvider;
296 QScopedPointer<Ini> pIni;
QString updateChannelName
Pass this to UpdateChannel::fromName() .
Structure describing server filter.
void init(IniSection §ion)
Initializes values that are not present in the section yet.
bool saveToFile()
Saves current settings to ini file. This file must be previously set by setIniFile() method...
This Singleton holds entire Doomseeker configuration in memory.
IniSection iniSectionForPlugin(const QString &pluginName)
This will assume that the .ini file is initialized.
bool readFromFile()
Reads settings from ini file. This file must be previously set by setIniFile() method.
static DoomseekerConfig & config()
Returns the Singleton.
INI section representation.
bool setIniFile(const QString &filePath)
Initializes the Ini class instance to point to a file.
static void dispose()
Disposes of the Singleton.
QMap< QString, QString > lastKnownUpdateRevisions
Used to check if there are new updates since last reject.